主题: OpenLDAP 2.4.16 available

OpenLDAP 2.4.16 is now available for download as detailed on our download page:

and should soon be available on all official mirrors:

This is a maintenance release and is made available for general use.  Users of OpenLDAP Software are encouraged to upgrade.

Significant contributors for this release include:
    Howard Chu (Symas Corp)
    Quanah Gibson-Mount (Yahoo! Inc)
    Pierangelo Masarati (Sys-Net)
    Rein Tollevik (Basefarm AS)

OpenLDAP 2.4.16 Release (2009/04/05)
    Fixed libldap GnuTLS with x509v1 CA certs (ITS#5992)
    Fixed libldap GnuTLS with CA chains (ITS#5991)
    Fixed libldap GnuTLS TLSVerifyCilent try (ITS#5981)
    Fixed libldap segfault in checking cert/DN (ITS#5976)
    Fixed libldap peer cert double free (ITS#5849)
    Fixed libldap referral chasing (ITS#5980)
    Fixed slapd backglue with empty DBs (ITS#5986)
    Fixed slapd ctxcsn race condition (ITS#6001)
    Fixed slapd debug message (ITS#6027)
    Fixed slapd redundant module loading (ITS#6030)
    Fixed slapd schema_init freed value (ITS#6036)
    Fixed slapd syncrepl newCookie sync messages (ITS#5972)
    Fixed slapd syncrepl hang during shutdown (ITS#6011)
    Fixed slapd syncrepl too many MMR messages (ITS#6020)
    Fixed slapd syncrepl skipped entries with MMR (ITS#5988)
    Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb cachesize handling (ITS#5860)
    Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb with slapcat with empty dn (ITS#6006)
    Fixed slapd-bdb/hdb with NULL transactions (ITS#6012)
    Fixed slapd-ldap incorrect referral handling (ITS#6003,ITS#5916)
    Fixed slapd-ldap/meta with broken AD results (ITS#5977)
    Fixed slapd-ldap/meta with invalid attrs again (ITS#5959)
    Fixed slapo-accesslog interaction with ppolicy (ITS#5979)
    Fixed slapo-dynlist conversion to cn=config (ITS#6002)
    Fixed slapo-syncprov newCookie sync messages (ITS#5972)
    Fixed slapd-syncprov too many MMR messages (ITS#6020)
    Fixed slapo-syncprov replica lockout (ITS#5985)
    Fixed slapo-syncprov modtarget tracking (ITS#5999)
    Fixed slapo-syncprov multiple CSN propagation (ITS#5973)
    Fixed slapo-syncprov race condition (ITS#6045)
    Fixed slapo-syncprov sending cookies without CSN (ITS#6024)
    Fixed slapo-syncprov skipped entries with MMR (ITS#5988)
    Fixed tools passphrase free (ITS#6014)
    Build Environment
        Cleaned up alloc/free functions for Windows (ITS#6005)
        Fixed running of autosave files in testsuite (ITS#6026)
        admin24 clarified MMR URI requirements (ITS#5942,ITS#5987)
        Added ldapexop(1) manual page (ITS#5982)
        slapd-ldap/meta(5) added missing TLS options (ITS#5989)

MD5 (openldap-2.4.16.tgz) = ed5b86e9d2b372d10edfe3bb59fee165
SHA1 (openldap-2.4.16.tgz) = c84f3281d047804eb977403e66733b7dd0a998b1