主题: Red Hat/CentOS: Chroot Apache 2 Web Server

推荐文章:Red Hat / CentOS: Chroot Apache 2 Web Server

A chroot on Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora Linux operating changes the apparent disk root directory for the Apache process and its children. Once this is done attacker or other php / perl / python scripts cannot access or name files outside that directory. This is called a "chroot jail" for Apache. You should never ever run a web server without jail. There should be privilege separation between web server and rest of the system.

In this exclusive series, you will learn more about:

    * Securing an Apache 2 web server under Red Hat Enterprise Linux / CentOS Linux using mod_chroot
    * Virtual hosting configuration under chrooted jail.
    * Troubleshooting Chrooted Apache jail problem.