主题: iRedAdmin-0.6 升級 0.7 出現錯誤
==== 必填信息。没有填写将不予回复 ====
- iRedMail 版本号:0.6
- 使用哪个数据库存储用户帐号(OpenLDAP,MySQL,PostgreSQL):OpenLDAP
- 使用的 Linux/BSD 发行版名称及版本号:CentOS 6.8
- 与您的问题相关的日志信息:
PS: 另一台 CentOS7 更新正常
目前為 iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAP-2.6.1 ;
依照在Upgrade from iRedMail-0.9.5-1 文件, 出現錯誤
iRedAdmin-Pro 版 有需要做 iRedAdmin 的 upgrade 動作?
~/iRedAdmin-0.7/tools]# bash upgrade_iredadmin.sh
* Detected Linux/BSD distribution: RHEL
* HTTP server root: /var/www
* Found iRedAdmin directory: /var/www/iredadmin, symbol link of iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAP-2.6.1
* Found iRedAdmin config file: /var/www/iredadmin/settings.py
* Copying new version to /var/www/iRedAdmin-0.7
* Removing old symbol link /var/www/iredadmin
* Creating symbol link /var/www/iredadmin to /var/www/iRedAdmin-0.7
* Delete all existing sessions, admins are forced to re-login to iRedAdmin.
* Check and install dependent Python modules:
+ [required] json or simplejson
+ [required] dnspython
+ [required] pycurl
+ [optional] BeautifulSoup
+ [optional] lxml
* Check SQL tables, and add missed ones - if there's any
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 8 in file: '/var/www/iredadmin/SQL/iredadmin.mysql': CREATE command denied to user 'iredadmin'@'localhost' for table 'sessions'
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 17 in file: '/var/www/iredadmin/SQL/iredadmin.mysql': CREATE command denied to user 'iredadmin'@'localhost' for table 'log'
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 37 in file: '/var/www/iredadmin/SQL/iredadmin.mysql': CREATE command denied to user 'iredadmin'@'localhost' for table 'updatelog'
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 45 in file: '/var/www/iredadmin/SQL/iredadmin.mysql': CREATE command denied to user 'iredadmin'@'localhost' for table 'deleted_mailboxes'
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 68 in file: '/var/www/iredadmin/SQL/iredadmin.mysql': CREATE command denied to user 'iredadmin'@'localhost' for table 'tracking'
ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 76 in file: '/var/www/iredadmin/SQL/iredadmin.mysql': CREATE command denied to user 'iredadmin'@'localhost' for table 'domain_ownership'
* iRedAdmin has been successfully upgraded.
* Restarting httpd service to use new iRedAdmin release ...
正在停止 httpd: [ 確定 ]
正在啟動 httpd: [ 確定 ]
* Upgrading completed.
<<< NOTE >>> If iRedAdmin doesn't work as expected, please post your issue in
<<< NOTE >>> our online support forum: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/