主题: 关于dovecot的default_process_limit和default_client_limit

==== 必填信息。没有填写将不予回复 ====
- iRedMail 版本号:0.8.1(dovecot 2.0.18-1)
- 使用哪个数据库存储用户帐号(OpenLDAP,MySQL,PostgreSQL):mysql
- 使用的 Linux/BSD 发行版名称及版本号:CentOS 6.0 x64
- 与您的问题相关的日志信息:

刚才在网上查找dovecot里关于imap-login的参数,在这里 http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.mail.imap.dovecot/70948 找到这么一段对话:

> So I changed it again: 
> default_process_limit = 128 
> default_client_limit = 512 
> And now it seems to be fine. But I'm mystified because what you say is 
> the case on your system, that is, that the process limit needs to be 
> greater than the client limit, is what I would expect: wouldn't each 
> client require at least one process? 

no, 512x128 = 65536 connections 
each process can serve default_client_limit clients


service imap-login {
    process_limit = 350

default_client_limit = 1003


service imap-login {
    process_limit = 400

default_client_limit = 1000


Starting Dovecot Imap: doveconf: Warning: service anvil { client_limit=1000 } is lower than required under max. load (1003)
Warning: service anvil { client_limit=1000 } is lower than required under max. load (1003)


回复: 关于dovecot的default_process_limit和default_client_limit

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