主题: Secure server access after install

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- iRedMail 版本号:
- 使用哪个数据库存储用户帐号(OpenLDAP,MySQL,PostgreSQL):
- 使用的 Linux/BSD 发行版名称及版本号:
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I an a new user. Just installed Iredmail on Lubuntu 13.04

If this post is a duplicate, I apologize, but I was unable to read many of the other posts since they were not being translated by my browsers (chrome & Firefox.). And thus my web pages are mostly Chinese with some English.

Before the install, I had already set up Apache as a web server.
But I had not made any attempt to do so as a secure web server.

Since the install, I am unable to access HTTPS with MyPHPAdmin, or any other front-end that wants to be secure.
In effect, I get an error message
Here is a summary of my problems:

1) Before the install
   > Intranet
     mydomain,com would show the default Index.htiml (under construction page)
     Localhost would also show construction page

   >Internet (through smartphone
    mydomain.com would show the http version of constuction page
    did not try a https:/mydomain.com

2) After install
    > Intranet
    mydomain.com gives "SSL connection error" but url unchanged. But the browser tab shows https:/localhost
    localhost tries to switch "https:/localhost" and gives "ssl connection error"
    PHPMyAdmin gives me a big warning page and then proceeds to it's login with the HTTPS crossed out with a red line

   >Internet (through smartphone
    mydomain.com changes URL to "https:/mydomain.com/mail/" and returns a page not available.
I would like to have BOTH http and httpS access to my domain.

Clearly I have pointer problems for the domain , the  Apache server, and the mail server.

I have been unable to find anything on your website or any other site to help resolve this issue...

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you..

By the way, the most frustrating thing for beginners like me following some installation procedure is the (very common) presumption that every thing worked just fine..
In actual fact, there ALWAYS seems to be something that goes wrong, and we need to have a post-install debugging snfd testing procedure..
It's the old
   "OK the installation is over -- NOW WHAT ???",
that every beginner faces.
That should give
1) a simple walkthrough to test every component
2) a simple procedure to start using the system.
   e.g making set up virtual mailbox and send mail from and to it from an outside mail service like GMail to test it - and where to look if things don't work..

回复: Secure server access after install

hi salyps,

You're visiting a Chinese site, please go to http://www.iredmail.org/ (It's .org) for world-wide site.
You have to register a new forum account: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/

So sorry about this trouble.

回复: Secure server access after install

ZhangHuangbin 写道:

hi salyps,

You're visiting a Chinese site, please go to http://www.iredmail.org/ (It's .org) for world-wide site.
You have to register a new forum account: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/

So sorry about this trouble.

Thank you for responding
It was not very clear from the site that this as a primarily Chinese site..

I will take my problem over to the site you mention

回复: Secure server access after install

Sorry about this trouble. I added a note banner in home page of iredmail.com.