主题: 大家可以帮分析一下maillog吗~谢

从gmailMSN YAHOO寄都会退信
postmaster was rejected because it would exceed the quota for the mailbox.

Apr 20 10:22:36 mail policyd: rcpt=1, greylist=new, host= (unknown), from=lauemma@msn.com, to=kofrankie@simplo.org, size=12070351
Apr 20 18:22:36 mail postfix/smtpd[3672]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 450 4.7.1 <kofrankie@simplo.org>: Recipient address rejected: Policy Rejection- Please try later.; from=<lauemma@msn.com> to=<kofrankie@simplo.org> proto=ESMTP helo=<imsantv101.netvigator.com>
Apr 20 18:23:36 mail postfix/smtpd[3672]: disconnect from unknown[]
Apr 20 18:26:56 mail postfix/anvil[3675]: statistics: max connection rate 1/60s for (smtp: at Apr 20 18:22:36
Apr 20 18:26:56 mail postfix/anvil[3675]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtp: at Apr 20 18:22:36
Apr 20 18:26:56 mail postfix/anvil[3675]: statistics: max cache size 1 at Apr 20 18:22:36
Apr 20 18:28:38 mail postfix/postfix-script[3713]: stopping the Postfix mail system
Apr 20 18:28:38 mail postfix/master[3180]: terminating on signal 15
Apr 20 18:28:38 mail postfix/postfix-script[3771]: starting the Postfix mail system
Apr 20 18:28:38 mail postfix/master[3772]: daemon started -- version 0.6.1, configuration /etc/postfix

回复: 大家可以帮分析一下maillog吗~谢


carlkyo 写道:

postmaster was rejected because it would exceed the quota for the mailbox.


回复: 大家可以帮分析一下maillog吗~谢

ZhangHuangbin 写道:


carlkyo 写道:

postmaster was rejected because it would exceed the quota for the mailbox.


我用gmail msn yahoo的信箱寄去iredmail就会返信说

postmaster was rejected because it would exceed the quota for the mailbox

--------------------- Disk Space Begin ------------------------

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                        48G  1.9G   43G   5% /
                       173G  6.0G  158G   4% /var
                        99M   30M   65M  32% /boot

---------------------- Disk Space End -------------------------

回复: 大家可以帮分析一下maillog吗~谢

carlkyo 写道:

我用gmail msn yahoo的信箱寄去iredmail就会返信说


5 最后由 carlkyo (2011-04-21 13:17:25) 编辑

回复: 大家可以帮分析一下maillog吗~谢

http://lsslab.blogspot.com/2007/10/post … assin.html