主要是 mydestination 里不要出现和虚拟域相同的域名,否则会报错,并且无法接收邮件。
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iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
主要是 mydestination 里不要出现和虚拟域相同的域名,否则会报错,并且无法接收邮件。
检查 apache, mysql/ldap,dovecot 的日志,看看哪里有问题。
http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php/ … tion_Guide
只有列在 成功案例 页面的系统管理员才可以访问的,这里有解释:
http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php/ … ss_Stories
我们鼓励您将 iRedMail 部署情况简要地记录在这里,以帮助我们宣传和推广这套开源、免费,而且强大的邮件服务器解决方案。因为只有列在该页面的邮件系统管理员,才可以加入 iRedMail 技术支持邮件列表,才能最及时地得到以下服务:
* 技术支持;
* 错误修正;
* 安全更新;
* 系统备份工具;
* MySQL/LDAP 数据库备份工具;
来自 dovecot@ 邮件列表:
Most importantly mbox bugfixes. v1.1 should finally be as stable with
mboxes as it was with v1.0. Hopefully we'll also soon have the first
v1.2 beta release and the final v1.2.0 somewhat soon after that.
- mbox: Several bugfixes. Fixes "next message unexpectedly lost"
errors and perhaps some other problems as well.
- deliver: It wasn't possible to override boolean settings in
lda section by setting them to "no".
- Maildir++ quota didn't correctly check if maildirs had changed
during recalculation.
- kqueue notify: Fixed assert-crash in some situations
- dbox: Several fixes to handling Maildir migrations
- Logging/error message improvements
因为 ClamAV 会自动从官方网站获取镜像站点的地址列表,然后挑选离你最近的一个镜像站点进行病毒库的更新。
# ls /var/www/
# ls /var/www/html/
# ls /var/www/extsuite/
用的是 LDAP 么?ExtMail-1.0.5 和 LDAP 搭配似乎有问题,还没解决。
用 MYSQL 的话应该没问题。
这两个文件的权限都是在执行 clamav/freshclam 的时候自动生成的,所以文件权限应该没问题的。
文章来源:http://www.press.redhat.com/2009/01/06/ … es-acquia/
RHX Welcomes Acquia
by RHX Team
We are pleased to welcome Acquia to Red Hat Exchange (RHX) with the addition of Acquia we are expanding our partner ecosystem in content management. Acquia is a commercial open source software company providing products, services, and technical support for the open source Drupal social publishing system. Drupal is a popular social publishing system that blends web content management and social media capabilities with a library of powerful extensions - all supported by a thriving open source community.
Acquia provides us with another successful example of a company that can work with and contribute back to an open source community, while providing a commercially supported business solution for consumers. For those of you that already know and love Red Hat’s subscription model and services, Acquia provides a similar offering, and we anticipate many joint customers in the future as thousands of customer’s websites around the globe are already powered by Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Drupal.
Acquia Drupal is a packaged collection of Drupal software to help users get started quickly with Drupal, while the Acquia Network provides expert Drupal technical support and network services to operate a trouble-free Drupal website. Pair these offerings with Red Hat Enterprise Linux and customers get a fully supported stack that starts
at the operating system and extends to the application. Our collaborative support
improves the experience for customers using software from multiple vendors by streamlining cooperative support efforts.
To learn more about RHX and find other business solutions, click here.
This entry was posted by RHX Team on Tuesday, January 6th, 2009 at 11:07 am and is filed under RHX. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
iRedMail 部署的应该没有这个问题才对,没有发现有人反馈过这样的问题。
Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server
for popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale
mail hosting environments. The main goal is to implement as many spam
combating and email compliance features as possible while at the same
time maintaining portability, stability, and performance. Its features
include detailed policy and group specification, access control,
helo/ehlo checks (helo randomization prevention and RFC compliance), SPF
checks, Greylisting, Quotas, and Amavisd-new integration.
Release focus:
Various bugfixes, check changelog. This release also includes rpms.
Bug tracker:
Mailing list archive:
Jan 5 22:36:54 iredmail postfix/trivial-rewrite[2522]: warning: do not list domain aaa.com in BOTH virtual_mailbox_domains and relay_domains
iRedMail 里提供的 SquirrelMail 是最新的稳定版。:loveliness:
已经在 iredmailsupport@ 里发布了解决方法,请楼主移步至:
http://groups.google.com/group/iredmail … b3e5c680ec
你使用的是哪个 webmail 程序?
似乎目前没有哪个 webmin 支持这样的功能吧?
iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
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