主题: Roundcube webmail Version 0.3-stable released

0.3 出正式版了,roundcube.net网站都改了

About the Roundcube webmail project
This project is a free and open source webmail solution with a desktop-like user interface which is easy to install/configure and that runs on a standard LAMPP server. The skins use the latest web standards such as XHTML and CSS 2. Roundcube includes other open-source libraries such as PEAR and the IMAP wrapper from IlohaMail.org.
Released features
Available in 65 languages
Drag-&-drop message management
Full support for MIME and HTML messages
Sophisticated privacy protection
Compose messages with attachments
Multiple sender identities
Find-as-you-type address book integration
Richtext/HTML message composing
Forwarding messages with attachments
Searching messages and contacts
Spell checking
IMAP folder management
Support for external SMTP server
Built-in caching for fast mailbox access
Unlimited users and messages
Template system for custom skins
Plug-in API for flexible exensions
Planned features
Full featured address book based on VCard standard
Support for PGP and S/MIME encryption
IDNA support
Threaded message listing
Keyboard shortcuts
Attachment previews
Import/export functions
Admin interface
See the development roadmap for more.

Server Requirements
Apache or Lighttpd webserver
PHP Version 5.2.1 or greater
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or MSSQL database
An IMAP server which supports IMAP4 rev1
An SMTP server (recommended) or PHP configured for mail delivery
More detailed list of requriements

Roundcube Webmail is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Everyone is welcome to download and use it, deploy it and to re-distribute it. The code is provided «as-is» and in no event shall the copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages.

[ 本帖最后由 netnova 于 2009-9-7 09:27 编辑 ]

回复: Roundcube webmail Version 0.3-stable released

iRedMail 开发组搭建好了 Roundcube-0.3-stable 的 demo 站点,供大家测试。

地址: http://demo.iredmail.org/mail/

需要帐号密码的朋友请自行通过我们的 iRedAdmin 管理后台进行添加。管理后台的地址是:


创建一个新帐号后使用完整的邮件地址和密码就可以登录 roundcube 的 demo 了。

欢迎大家体验 Roundcube-0.3-stable 和我们即将发布的管理后台。