主题: [Dovecot] Released Sieve v0.1.1 and ManageSieve v0.11.2 for Dovecot v1.2.alpha4

来自 Dovecot 邮件列表:dovecot-news (at) dovecot.org

Hello Dovecot users,

Since the first release of the new Sieve implementation, not that many bugs were reported. This is probably due to the fact that it is not tried yet by that many people. In the mean time, I did find and fix some more bugs myself,  I adapted to changes in Dovecot, wrote some more documentation and started work on the enotify extension.

Both Sieve and ManageSieve were changed to match API changes in Dovecot and therefore older versions will not compile against the new Dovecot release. Likewise, these new Sieve and ManageSieve releases will not compile for older Dovecot versions.

Changelog Sieve v0.1.1:

  * Re-enabled support for compiling against dovecot headers. Much like
    cmusieve, command line tools like sievec and sieved are not compiled
    in this case.
  * Started implementation of enotify extension. Not anywhere near
    finished though.
  * Adapted to changes in Dovecot on various occasions, making this
    release dependent on Dovecot >= v1.2.alpa4.

  + Improved logging of errors at specific occasions and added debug
    messages to find script execution problems quicker.
  + Removed code duplication between command line tools and the test
    suite. Also restructured the sources of the tools.
  + Added UTF-8 to UTF-7 folder name conversion for compatibility with
  + Created man pages for the command line tools. These are
    automatically installed upon 'make install'
  + Incorporated Valgrind support into the test suite and fixed a few
    memory leaks in the process.
  - Fixed compile error surfacing for gcc3.4. Forgot mask argument for
    the open() system call when the O_CREAT flag is specified. Bug found
    by Sergey Ivanov.
  - Fixed bug in the sievec tool. -d output was always written to
  - Fixed important bug in the imap4flags extension. When no :flags
    argument is specified, the previous version would always use the
    final value of the internal variable to set the flags. This means
    that modifications to the internal variable also affected the bare
    fileinto/keep actions executed earlier. This does not comply to the
  - Fixed bug in the include extension's import/export commands.
    Duplicate import/exports caused problems.
  - Fixed bug in the handling of non-existent scripts. Errors were
    sometimes ignored.
  - Dovecot omitted unfolding multi-line headers. This was added to the
    cmusieve plugin after the code was incorporated into the new
    implementation. This is now implicitly fixed by concurrent change in

Changelog ManageSieve v0.11.2:

  * Adapted to changes in Dovecot, making this release dependent on
    Dovecot >= v1.2.alpa4

The following files are released:



  ManageSieve package:


  ManageSieve patch:


The full story of the new Sieve implementation is available in my previous posting:


I still need to update the wiki with pointers to the new Sieve implementation. I hope to have some time and motivation to do so in the next few days.

Have fun testing the new releases and don't hesitate to notify me when there are problems.


Stephan Bosch
IRC: Freenode, #dovecot, S[r]us