1 最后由 sdaniel (2020-03-07 13:44:43) 编辑

主题: netdata 安装之后出现的警告和错误日志信息

[color=#FF0000]2020-03-07 12:26:23: netdata INFO  : PLUGINSD[apps] : RRDSET: chart name 'groups.sockets' on host 'chg-iredm01.xxx.com.cn' already exists.
2020-03-07 12:26:23: netdata INFO  : PLUGINSD[apps] : RRDSET: chart name 'groups.pipes' on host 'chg-iredm01.xxx.com.cn' already exists.
2020-03-07 12:34:39: tc-qos-helper.sh: WARNING: FireQoS is not installed on this system. Use FireQoS to apply traffic QoS and expose the class names to netdata. Check [url]https://github.com/netdata/netdata/tree/master/collectors/tc.plugin#tcplugin[/url][/color]


回复: netdata 安装之后出现的警告和错误日志信息

Netdata 的检测过于敏感,建议根据警告信息再检查下系统。一般情况下都可以安全忽略。