主题: [Dovecot] v1.1.5 release candidate


I thought about making v1.1.5 release today, but then thought maybe I'll
make an RC instead since I did quite a lot of changes this weekend. So
please try and see if there are any bugs left. I'll make the final
release in a couple of days.

The largest changes since v1.1.4:

    + Maildir/dbox: Try harder to assign unique UIDVALIDITY values to
      mailboxes to avoid potential problems when recreating or renaming
      mailboxes. The UIDVALIDITY is tracked using dovecot-uidvalidity*
      files in the mail root directory.
    + Many logging improvements
    - In some conditions Dovecot could have stopped using existing cache
      file and never used it again until it was deleted.
    - pop3 + Maildir: Make sure virtual sizes are always written to
      dovecot-uidlist. This way if the indexes are lost Dovecot will never
      do a huge amount of work to recalculate them.
    - mbox: Fixed listing mailboxes in namespaces with prefix beginning
      with '~' or '/' (i.e. UW-IMAP compatibility namespaces didn't work).
    - dict quota: Don't crash when recalculating quota (when quota warnings
    - Fixes to handling "out of disk space/quota" failures.
    - Fixed compiling with OpenBSD