主题: iredadmin 连接超时

==== 必填信息。没有填写将不予回复 ====
- iRedMail 版本号:
- 使用哪个数据库存储用户帐号(OpenLDAP,MySQL,PostgreSQL):
- 使用的 Linux/BSD 发行版名称及版本号:
- 与您的问题相关的日志信息:
ubuntu 14.04

iredadmin 连接超时 跪求大神

[Tue Oct 13 08:28:03.975815 2015] [core:error] [pid 2396] [client] Script timed out before returning headers: iredadmin.py
[Tue Oct 13 08:28:22.810892 2015] [:alert] [pid 2904] (2)No such file or directory: mod_wsgi (pid=2904): Unable to change working directory to '/home/iredadmin'.
[Tue Oct 13 08:28:22.810970 2015] [:alert] [pid 2904] mod_wsgi (pid=2904): Failure to configure the daemon process correctly and process left in unspecified state. Restarting daemon process after delay.