主题: [已解决]填收件人时出现服务器错误
==== 必填信息。没有填写将不予回复 ====
- iRedMail 版本: 0.8.3
- 使用的 Linux/BSD 发行版名称及版本号: centos 5.5
- 与您的问题相关的日志信息:
使用与win 2003 AD集成。
在发邮件时,填写发件人的时候,报错 (服务器错误SERVICE CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE!)
附上 /var/www/roundcubemail/config/main.inc.php 地址本部分,其他没有改动
$rcmail_config['ldap_public']["domain.com"] = array(
'name' => 'Global Address Book',
'hosts' => array(""), // <- Set AD hostname or IP address here.
'port' => 389,
'use_tls' => false, // <- Set to true if you want to use LDAPS. Change port to 636 on above line too.// ---- Used to search accounts only in the same domain. ----
'user_specific' => false,
'base_dn' => "ou=DomainHome,dc=domain,dc=com", // <- Set base dn in AD
'bind_dn' => "vmail", # <- bind dn
'bind_pass' => "qwe_123", // <- bind password
'writable' => false, # <- Do not allow mail user write data back to AD.
'ldap_version' => "3",
// ---- Search ----
'search_fields' => array('userprincipalname','cn',),
'name_field' => 'cn',
'email_field' => 'userprincipalname',
'surname_field' => 'sn',
'firstname_field' => 'mail',
'sort' => 'cn',
'scope' => 'sub',
'filter' => "(|(mail=*@*)(userPrincipalName=*@*))",
'fuzzy_search' => true