主题: [Dovecot] v1.1.3 released


This fixes several mbox problems previous v1.1 releases have had.

    * mail_max_userip_connections limit no longer applies to master user

    + login_log_format_elements: Added %k to show SSL protocol/cipher
      information. Not included by default.
    + imap/pop3-proxy: If auth_verbose=yes, log proxy login failures.
    + deliver: Added -s parameter to autosubscribe to autocreated mailboxes.
    - message parser fixes - hopefully fixes an infinite looping problem
    - SORT: One more assert-crashfix when renumbering index sort IDs.
    - mbox: Saving may have truncated the mail being saved
    - mbox: Several other bugfixes
    - mail_full_filesystem_access=yes was broken when listing mailboxes
      (it still is with maildir++ layout).
    - maildirlock utility was somewhat broken
    - zlib plugin: bzip2 support was somewhat broken
    - NFS: Make sure writing to files via output streams don't
      assert-crash when write() returns only partial success.

回复: [Dovecot] v1.1.3 released

1.1.3 正式版。:loveliness: