1 最后由 yishine (2012-04-24 19:20:37) 编辑

主题: 邮件队列显示 (temporary failure),公司员工只能发邮件不能收邮件


iRedOS 版本:集成在CentOS上的IRedOS  0.6.0

2、postqueue -p中以看到邮件队列里所有入站邮件后边显示 (temporary failure),postqueue -f之后显示同样的字符
3、通过http://mail.server.com/mail能打开WEB Mail页面,但是不能登录
5、vi /var/log/dovecot.log,提示有pop3的fatal failure,Log信息如下:
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:45 Info: dovecot v1.1.20 starting up (core dumps disabled)
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:45 Info: auth-worker(default): mysql: Connected to localhost (vmail)
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Fatal: chdir(/var/vmail/vmail1/domain.com/bingmei.xia/) failed with uid 500: Permission denied
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Info: pop3-login: Login: user=<bingmei.xia@domain.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=网关IP, lip=邮件服务器IP
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Error: child 23725 (pop3) returned error 89 (Fatal failure)
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Fatal: chdir(/var/vmail/vmail1/domain.com/xu.zeng/) failed with uid 500: Permission denied
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Fatal: chdir(/var/vmail/vmail1/domain.com/xu.zeng/) failed with uid 500: Permission denied
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Info: imap-login: Login: user=<xu.zeng@domain.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=网关IP, lip=邮件服务器IP
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Info: imap-login: Login: user=<xu.zeng@domain.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=网关IP, lip=邮件服务器IP
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Error: child 23726 (imap) returned error 89 (Fatal failure)
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Error: child 23727 (imap) returned error 89 (Fatal failure)
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Fatal: chdir(/var/vmail/vmail1/domain.com/xu.zeng/) failed with uid 500: Permission denied
dovecot: Apr 24 16:49:46 Error: child 23728 (imap) returned error 89 (Fatal failure)
6、vi sieve.log,可以看到很多很多下面的错误代码:
deliver(bin.gan@domain.com): Apr 24 16:46:18 Error: chdir(/var/vmail/vmail1/domain.com/bin.gan/) failed: Permission denied
deliver(bin.gan@domain.com): Apr 24 16:46:18 Error: stat(/var/vmail/sieve/domain.com/bin.gan/dovecot.sieve) failed: Permission denied
deliver(bin.gan@domain.com): Apr 24 16:46:18 Error: lstat(/var/vmail/sieve/domain.sieve) failed: Permission denied
deliver(bin.gan@domain.com): Apr 24 16:46:18 Error: stat(//var/vmail/vmail1/domain.com/bin.gan//Maildir/tmp) failed: Permission denied (euid=500(vmail) egid=500(vmail) missing +x perm: //var/vmail)
deliver(bin.gan@domain.com): Apr 24 16:46:18 Info: msgid=<33373744.0.1335257411814.JavaMail."Richard.wei"@Richardwei-PC>: save failed to INBOX: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2012-04-24 16:46:18]

回复: 邮件队列显示 (temporary failure),公司员工只能发邮件不能收邮件

deliver(bin.gan@domain.com): Apr 24 16:46:18 Error: chdir(/var/vmail/vmail1/domain.com/bin.gan/) failed: Permission denied

已经很清楚地显示了是 "Permission denied"。也就是这个目录权限不对。
正确的 owner 应该是 vmail:vmail,权限 0700。