iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案
支持 Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
您尚未登陆。 请选择登陆或是注册一个新账号。
热门主题 尚未回复的主题
iRedMail 技术交流 QQ 群:296792359。
Spider Email Archiver:由 iRedMail 团队开发的轻量级电子邮件归档软件。
系统:Centos 6.4
May 08 09:22:19 master: Warning: Killed with signal 15 (by pid=2511 uid=0 code=kill)
May 08 09:22:20 master: Info: Dovecot v2.0.18 starting up (core dumps disabled)
May 08 09:23:41 auth: Error: LDAP: binding failed (dn cn=mailauth,dc=oa,dc=com): Invalid credentials, 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1
May 08 09:23:53 auth: Error: LDAP: binding failed (dn cn=mailauth,dc=oa,dc=com): Invalid credentials, 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903A9, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v1db1
May 08 09:24:03 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<zhengxl@oa.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, secured
[root@mail dovecot]# telnet localhost 143
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
. login mailauth@oa.com password
. NO [UNAVAILABLE] Temporary authentication failure.
==== 必填信息。没有填写将不予回复 ====
- iRedMail 版本:
- 使用的 Linux/BSD 发行版名称及版本号:
- 与您的问题相关的日志信息:
server_host =
server_port = 389
version = 3
bind = yes
start_tls = no
bind_dn = vmail
bind_pw =
search_base = cn=users,dc=oa,dc=com
scope = sub
#query_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(userPrincipalName=%s))
query_filter = (&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=%u))
result_attribute= userPrincipalName
result_format = %d/%u/Maildir/
debuglevel = 1
==== 必填信息。没有填写将不予回复 ====
- iRedMail 版本:
- 使用的 Linux/BSD 发行版名称及版本号:
- 与您的问题相关的日志信息:
根据这篇文章配置 iRedmail与微软AD结合
http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php? … y.iRedMail
postmap -q user@example.com ldap:/etc/postfix/ad_virtual_mailbox_maps.cf
这一步的时候,未能正确的返回信息,于是打开debug 打印出以下信息
root@mailtest:~# postmap -q vmail@ruinet.com ldap:/etc/postfix/ad_virtual_mailbox_maps.cf
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_create
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_url_parse_ext(ldap://
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_sasl_bind
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_send_initial_request
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_new_connection 1 1 0
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_int_open_connection
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_connect_to_host: TCP
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_new_socket: 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_prepare_socket: 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_connect_to_host: Trying
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_pvt_connect: fd: 4 tm: 10 async: 0
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_ndelay_on: 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_int_poll: fd: 4 tm: 10
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_is_sock_ready: 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_ndelay_off: 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_pvt_connect: 0
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_open_defconn: successful
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_send_server_request
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({it) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({i) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_flush2: 33 bytes to sd 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_result ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: wait4msg ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1 (timeout 10000000 usec)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: wait4msg continue ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1 all 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ** ld 0x7facf23e0120 Connections:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: * host: port: 389 (default)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: refcnt: 2 status: Connected
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: last used: Fri Apr 19 11:45:28 2013
postmap: dict_ldap_debug:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ** ld 0x7facf23e0120 Outstanding Requests:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: * msgid 1, origid 1, status InProgress
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ld 0x7facf23e0120 request count 1 (abandoned 0)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ** ld 0x7facf23e0120 Response Queue:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: Empty
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ld 0x7facf23e0120 response count 0
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1 all 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList returns ld 0x7facf23e0120 NULL
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_int_select
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1 all 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_get_next
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 16 contents:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1 message type bind
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({eAA) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: ld 0x7facf23e0120 0 new referrals
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: mark request completed, ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: request done: ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: res_errno: 0, res_error: <>, res_matched: <>
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_free_request (origid 1, msgid 1)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_parse_result
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({iAA) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt (}) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_msgfree
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_search_ext
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_filter: "(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=vmail))"
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_filter: AND
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_filter_list "(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName=vmail)"
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_filter: "(objectClass=group)"
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_filter: simple
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_simple_filter: "objectClass=group"
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_filter: "(sAMAccountName=vmail)"
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_filter: simple
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: put_simple_filter: "sAMAccountName=vmail"
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_send_initial_request
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_send_server_request
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({it) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_flush2: 115 bytes to sd 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_result ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: wait4msg ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2 (timeout 10000000 usec)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: wait4msg continue ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2 all 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ** ld 0x7facf23e0120 Connections:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: * host: port: 389 (default)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: refcnt: 2 status: Connected
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: last used: Fri Apr 19 11:45:28 2013
postmap: dict_ldap_debug:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ** ld 0x7facf23e0120 Outstanding Requests:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: * msgid 2, origid 2, status InProgress
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: outstanding referrals 0, parent count 0
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ld 0x7facf23e0120 request count 1 (abandoned 0)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ** ld 0x7facf23e0120 Response Queue:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: Empty
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ld 0x7facf23e0120 response count 0
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2 all 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_chkResponseList returns ld 0x7facf23e0120 NULL
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_int_select
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2 all 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_get_next
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 16 contents:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2 message type search-result
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({eAA) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: ld 0x7facf23e0120 0 new referrals
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: read1msg: mark request completed, ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: request done: ld 0x7facf23e0120 msgid 2
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: res_errno: 0, res_error: <>, res_matched: <>
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_free_request (origid 2, msgid 2)
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_parse_result
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt ({iAA) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_scanf fmt (}) ber:
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_msgfree
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_free_connection 1 1
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_send_unbind
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ber_flush2: 7 bytes to sd 4
postmap: dict_ldap_debug: ldap_free_connection: actually freed
搜索到的文章数 [ 3 ]
页面生成时间 0.010 秒, 共执行查询 56 条