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iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
steven.zhen 也帮忙测试了,补丁确实 fix 了这个问题。:loveliness:
感谢 steven.zhen :loveliness:
iRedMail 成员 Kara 做了一个修正这个问题的补丁,我刚才测试了,解决了这个问题。
http://iredmail.googlecode.com/svn/trun … name.patch
*) 备份!备份!备份!
请在使用补丁前,先备份原有的 Roundcubemail 目录。iRedMail 中默认是 /var/www/roundcubemail-0.1.1/。
*) 下载补丁:
# cd /tmp/
# wget http://iredmail.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/iRedMail/patches/roundcubemail/roundcubemail-0.1.1_national_imap_folder_name.patch
*) 进入 Roundcubemail 根目录打补丁:
# cd /var/www/roundcubemail-0.1.1/
# patch -p0 < /tmp/roundcubemail-0.1.1_national_imap_folder_name.patch
*) 如果没有出现错误,可以登录 webmail 进行测试。
昨天测试了最新的 svn 版本,确实是已经 fix 了。
如果要 back port 到 0.1.1 上的话,也许还得做点工作才行。放入 TODO list。
偶虽然不会 PHP,但是可以试着将 trac.roundcube.net 里的代码给弄出来试试。不要对偶报太大希望 :lol
iRedMail 没有做这方面的设置,所以应该不是 iRedMail 导致的。
另外,你的 /etc/inittab 文件里的这一行是怎样的:
$ cat /etc/inittab |grep ^id
你又是以怎样的方式启动 X-Window 的呢?startx 命令还是直接在图形界面的登录框里登录的?
辛苦了 huangminghu 了,周末连续两天都在调试和改进。感谢 :loveliness:
昨天已经说了呀,不要用动态 IP 去做邮件服务器。
现在可以在安装 iRedMail(>=0.2-rc2) 前先编辑 'iRedMail-x.y.z/conf/httpd' 文件,设置 Apache 的监听端口。例如:
# Part of file: iRedMail-x.y.z/conf/httpd
export HTTPD_PORT='8080'
没有固定 IP,没有做 DNS 解析,这个是绝对无法发送到大的邮件服务提供商里的。
你试试发到 gmail,它会给个提示,说不能使用固定 IP 来搭建邮件服务器。这个不算是 iRedMail 的问题。
# Part of file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Listen 8080
# Part of file: /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dport 8080,443,25,465,110,995,143,993,22 -j ACCEPT
你的服务器是固定 IP 么?DNS 是否设置正确?
啥也不说了,看截图 :lol
今天看到的一条 git 记录:
Initial code to support Apache Solr (Lucene indexing server).
看来 Dovecot-1.2 会支持 Lucene 了。
details: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.2/rev/662172573fe1
changeset: 7990:662172573fe1
user: Timo Sirainen <tss at iki.fi>
date: Fri Jul 11 01:44:13 2008 +0530
Initial code to support Apache Solr (Lucene indexing server).
10 files changed, 930 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
configure.in | 40 ++
src/plugins/Makefile.am | 6
src/plugins/fts-solr/Makefile.am | 32 ++
src/plugins/fts-solr/fts-backend-solr.c | 299 ++++++++++++++++++++
src/plugins/fts-solr/fts-solr-plugin.c | 16 +
src/plugins/fts-solr/fts-solr-plugin.h | 11
src/plugins/fts-solr/schema.xml | 50 +++
src/plugins/fts-solr/solr-connection.c | 454 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/plugins/fts-solr/solr-connection.h | 22 +
src/plugins/fts/fts-storage.c | 2
diffs (truncated from 1004 to 300 lines):
diff -r 9369c0190ef0 -r 662172573fe1 configure.in
--- a/configure.in Thu Jul 10 22:38:31 2008 +0530
+++ b/configure.in Fri Jul 11 01:44:13 2008 +0530
@@ -262,6 +262,15 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(lucene,
AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LUCENE, test "$want_lucene" = "yes")
+[ --with-solr Build with Solr full text search support],
+ if test x$withval = xno || test x$withval = xauto; then
+ want_solr=$withval
+ else
+ want_solr=yes
+ fi,
+ want_solr=no)
[ --with-ssl=gnutls|openssl Build with GNUTLS or OpenSSL (default)],
@@ -2204,6 +2213,36 @@ fi
AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_RQUOTA, test "$have_rquota" = "yes")
+if test "$want_solr" != "no"; then
+ if test $CURLCONFIG = YES; then
+ CURL_CFLAGS=`curl-config --cflags`
+ CURL_LIBS=`curl-config --libs`
+ dnl libcurl found, also need libexpat
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(expat, XML_Parse, [
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(expat.h, [
+ have_solr=yes
+ ], [
+ if test $want_solr = yes; then
+ AC_ERROR([Can't build with Solr support: expat.h not found])
+ fi
+ ])
+ ], [
+ if test $want_solr = yes; then
+ AC_ERROR([Can't build with Solr support: libexpat not found])
+ fi
+ ])
+ else
+ if test $want_solr = yes; then
+ AC_ERROR([Can't build with Solr support: curl-config not found])
+ fi
+ fi
+AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_SOLR, test "$have_solr" = "yes")
dnl **
dnl ** capabilities
dnl **
@@ -2264,6 +2303,7 @@ src/plugins/expire/Makefile
diff -r 9369c0190ef0 -r 662172573fe1 src/plugins/Makefile.am
--- a/src/plugins/Makefile.am Thu Jul 10 22:38:31 2008 +0530
+++ b/src/plugins/Makefile.am Fri Jul 11 01:44:13 2008 +0530
@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ FTS_LUCENE = fts-lucene
FTS_LUCENE = fts-lucene
+FTS_LUCENE = fts-solr
acl convert expire fts fts-squat lazy-expunge mail-log mbox-snarf \
quota imap-quota trash virtual \
diff -r 9369c0190ef0 -r 662172573fe1 src/plugins/fts-solr/Makefile.am
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/fts-solr/Makefile.am Fri Jul 11 01:44:13 2008 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src/lib \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src/lib-mail \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src/lib-index \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src/lib-storage \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src/plugins/fts
+lib21_fts_solr_plugin_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version
+module_LTLIBRARIES = \
+ lib21_fts_solr_plugin.la
+lib21_fts_solr_plugin_la_LIBADD = \
+ $(CURL_CFLAGS) -lexpat
+lib21_fts_solr_plugin_la_SOURCES = \
+ fts-backend-solr.c \
+ fts-solr-plugin.c \
+ solr-connection.c
+noinst_HEADERS = \
+ fts-solr-plugin.h \
+ solr-connection.h
+EXTRA_DIST = schema.xml
+ for d in imap lda; do \
+ $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(moduledir)/$d; \
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(moduledir)/$d/lib21_fts_solr_plugin$(MODULE_SUFFIX); \
+ $(LN_S) ../lib21_fts_solr_plugin$(MODULE_SUFFIX) $(DESTDIR)$(moduledir)/$d; \
+ done
diff -r 9369c0190ef0 -r 662172573fe1 src/plugins/fts-solr/fts-backend-solr.c
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/fts-solr/fts-backend-solr.c Fri Jul 11 01:44:13 2008 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */
+#include "lib.h"
+#include "array.h"
+#include "str.h"
+#include "mail-storage-private.h"
+#include "solr-connection.h"
+#include "fts-solr-plugin.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+struct solr_fts_backend_build_context {
+ struct fts_backend_build_context ctx;
+ struct solr_connection_post *post;
+ uint32_t prev_uid, uid_validity;
+ string_t *cmd;
+ bool headers;
+static struct solr_connection *solr_conn = NULL;
+static void solr_quote_str(string_t *dest, const char *str)
+ solr_connection_quote_str(solr_conn, dest, str);
+static void xml_encode(string_t *dest, const char *str)
+ for (; *str != '\0'; str++) {
+ switch (*str) {
+ case '&':
+ str_append(dest, "&");
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ str_append(dest, "<");
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ str_append(dest, ">");
+ break;
+ default:
+ str_append_c(dest, *str);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static struct fts_backend *
+fts_backend_solr_init(struct mailbox *box ATTR_UNUSED)
+ struct fts_backend *backend;
+ if (solr_conn == NULL)
+ solr_conn = solr_connection_init(getenv("FTS_SOLR"));
+ backend = i_new(struct fts_backend, 1);
+ *backend = fts_backend_solr;
+ return backend;
+static void fts_backend_solr_deinit(struct fts_backend *backend)
+ i_free(backend);
+static int fts_backend_solr_get_last_uid(struct fts_backend *backend,
+ uint32_t *last_uid_r)
+ struct mailbox_status status;
+ ARRAY_TYPE(seq_range) uids;
+ const struct seq_range *uidvals;
+ unsigned int count;
+ string_t *str;
+ str = t_str_new(256);
+ str_append(str, "fl=uid&rows=1&sort=uid%20desc&q=");
+ mailbox_get_status(backend->box, STATUS_UIDVALIDITY, &status);
+ str_printfa(str, "uidv:%u%%20box:", status.uidvalidity);
+ solr_quote_str(str, backend->box->name);
+ str_append(str, "%20user:");
+ solr_quote_str(str, backend->box->storage->user);
+ t_array_init(&uids, 1);
+ if (solr_connection_select(solr_conn, str_c(str), &uids) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ uidvals = array_get(&uids, &count);
+ if (count == 0) {
+ /* nothing indexed yet for this mailbox */
+ *last_uid_r = 0;
+ } else if (count == 1 && uidvals[0].seq1 == uidvals[0].seq2) {
+ *last_uid_r = uidvals[0].seq1;
+ } else {
+ i_error("fts_solr: Last UID lookup returned multiple rows");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+fts_backend_solr_build_init(struct fts_backend *backend, uint32_t *last_uid_r,
+ struct fts_backend_build_context **ctx_r)
+ struct solr_fts_backend_build_context *ctx;
+ struct mailbox_status status;
+ *last_uid_r = (uint32_t)-1;
+ ctx = i_new(struct solr_fts_backend_build_context, 1);
+ ctx->ctx.backend = backend;
+ ctx->post = solr_connection_post_begin(solr_conn);
+ ctx->cmd = str_new(default_pool, 256);
+ mailbox_get_status(backend->box, STATUS_UIDVALIDITY, &status);
+ ctx->uid_validity = status.uidvalidity;
+ *ctx_r = &ctx->ctx;
+ return 0;
+static int
+fts_backend_solr_build_more(struct fts_backend_build_context *_ctx,
+ uint32_t uid, const unsigned char *data,
+ size_t size, bool headers)
+ struct solr_fts_backend_build_context *ctx =
+ (struct solr_fts_backend_build_context *)_ctx;
+ struct mailbox *box = _ctx->backend->box;
+ string_t *cmd = ctx->cmd;
+ /* body comes first, then headers */
+ if (ctx->prev_uid != uid) {
+ /* uid changed */
+ str_truncate(cmd, 0);
+ if (ctx->prev_uid == 0)
+ str_append(cmd, "<add>");
+ else
+ str_append(cmd, "</field></doc>");
+ ctx->prev_uid = uid;
+ str_printfa(cmd, "<doc>"
+ "<field name=\"uid\">%u</field>"
+ "<field name=\"uidv\">%u</field>",
+ uid, ctx->uid_validity);
+ str_append(cmd, "<field name=\"box\">");
+ xml_encode(cmd, box->name);
+ str_append(cmd, "</field><field name=\"user\">");
+ xml_encode(cmd, box->storage->user);
+ str_printfa(cmd, "</field><field name=\"id\">%u/%u/",
+ uid, ctx->uid_validity);
+ xml_encode(cmd, box->storage->user);
+ str_append_c(cmd, '/');
+ xml_encode(cmd, box->name);
+ str_append(cmd, "</field>");
+ ctx->headers = headers;
+ if (headers) {
+ str_append(cmd, "<field name=\"hdr\">");
+ } else {
+ str_append(cmd, "<field name=\"body\">");
+ }
+ solr_connection_post_more(ctx->post, str_data(cmd),
+ str_len(cmd));
+ } else if (headers && !ctx->headers) {
+ str_truncate(cmd, 0);
+ str_append(cmd, "</field><field name=\"hdr\">");
+ solr_connection_post_more(ctx->post, str_data(cmd),
+ str_len(cmd));
+ } else {
+ i_assert(!(!headers && ctx->headers));
+ }
+ solr_connection_post_more(ctx->post, data, size);
+ return 0;
已经加入到 iRedMail-0.2-rc2 中。:lol
感谢 木鸟 :loveliness:
这个功能应该是 Google 使用的 IMAP/POP3 的功劳,它自己对 IMAP/POP3 软件应该有一些修改和增强。
这些功能在 RFC 里似乎都没有定义。
iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
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