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iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
怎么修改的?不妨分享给后来者 :loveliness:
简单地说,dtinfo.net.cn 这个域名,不能同时出现在 mydestination 和 virtual_mailbox_domains 的结果里。
Oct 18 13:54:08 localhost postfix/trivial-rewrite[3830]: warning: do not list domain dtinfo.net.cn in BOTH mydestination and virtual_mailbox_domains
注意看你的 /var/log/maillog,应该是 root 用户的邮件地址改变了,导致邮件无法发送出去。
* Update perl-Error to 0.17015-1.
* Update perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib to 2.015-1.
* Update perl-BerkeleyDB to 0.36-1.
* Update perl-IO-Multiplex to 1.10-1.
* Update perl-MailTools to 2.04-1.
* Update perl-Mail-SPF to 2.006-1.
* Update perl-Archive-Zip to 1.26-1.
* Update Horde WebMail to 1.2.
* Update Dovecot to 1.1.4.
已经部署了 iRedMail 的朋友可以参考以下文档进行升级:
http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php/ … l_Yum_Repo
另,修正了 iRedOS 的 kickstart 文件里漏掉 iptables 包的问题,感谢 EdisonWang2007@gmail
Refreshed managesieve patch for dovecot-1.1.4:
- SORT: Yet another assert-crashfix when renumbering index sort IDs.
- ACL plugin fixes: Negative rights were actually treated as positive
rights. 'k' right didn't prevent creating parent/child/child mailbox.
ACL groups weren't working.
- Maildir++ quota: Fixes to rebuilding when quota limit wasn't
specified in Dovecot (0 limit or limit read from maildirsize).
- mbox: Several bugfixes causing errors and crashes.
- Several fixes to expire plugin / expire-tool.
- lock_method=dotlock could have deadlocked with itself.
- Many error handling fixes and log message improvements.
这个 localhost 标记不会有什么影响,你为何要改这个呢?
http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/archiv … -5425.html
最好直接找 CBL 那里的人,这样可以知道准确的原因。
由于昆明往丽江的大巴要晚上 7 点才开,所以打算从大理转去丽江。但是到达丽江却已是9点,没有大巴去丽江,所以只好先找地方吃饭,然后住在大理。
今晚就是问了一位三星 anycall 的MM,然后在附件的一家店里吃云南米线。味道超级好。回头贴PP。
结果米线店附近的一家网吧挺大的,而且包房挺舒服,一晚上才 12 块/人,还不错。就是烟味重了点,郁闷。
不妨先测试一下 iRedMail 和 iRedOS,看看是否符合你的需求。
问题已解决,是楼主的网络配置问题。与 iRedOS 无关。
Bibby 友情提醒:
配置网关的地址时,RHEL 4 是在 /etc/sysconfig/network 文件中设置,例如:
但在 RHEL 5 里,网关地址是写在单独的网卡配置文件里的。例如 eth0 这个网卡设备,它的网关应该是在自己的配置文件里写入:
# File: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Hi, all.
Job is job, Life is Life.
我将于 10月2日至10月22日外出旅游,届时会无法访问网络并解答大家的疑问,在此深表歉意。
Bibby 敬上
换过 DNS 服务器地址是否可以呢?网关上 ping 外网是否有问题?
在 iRedMail 方案中,总共有 4 个程序需要用到 SSL 证书以提供 TLS/SSL 加密支持:
在 iRedMail-0.3 及之前的版本中,这四个程序使用不同的 SSL 证书,从 iRedMail-0.3.1 开始,这四个程序将使用同一个 SSL 证书,以使邮件系统管理员更容易管理证书。
在此要特别感谢 xcrossbow (at) gmail.com 的反馈和改进建议。Thanks
* Release Notes: SquirrelMail 1.4.16 *
* The "Taming the Cookie Monster" Release *
* 28 September 2008 *
In this edition of SquirrelMail Release Notes:
* All about this Release!
* Locales / Translations / Charsets
* Security issues
* Major updates
* A note on plugins
* Reporting my favorite SquirrelMail 1.4 bug
All about this release
This release addresses a security problem in SquirrelMail, aswell
as your regular collection of bug fixes and some improvements mainly
targeted at plugins.
Notable changes:
* Security fix, see below.
* Latvian was added as a new language.
* The abook_take plugin was removed.
Security issue
An issue was fixed that allowed the cookies of a session started
over SSL (https) to be transmitted over HTTP aswell. This affects
installations that offer SquirrelMail both over HTTP and HTTPS.
This is known as setting the "secure" flag of the cookie.
An override option has been added that can be used when you have
a need to continue a session over HTTP that has been started over
HTTPS, although we do not recommend that.
We would like to thank Hanno Boeck for reporting this issue to us.
It is tracked as CVE-2008-3663.
As an additional fortification, SquirrelMail now sets the HttpOnly
flag to counter possible future cross site scripting attacks in
some browsers (Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox
Locales / Translations / Charsets
Since the release of 1.4.4, the the translations for SquirrelMail are
no longer part of the main package but have to be downloaded separately;
either in one large file or an individual language. You can find these
packages through our homepage. They also contain instructions on how
to install.
That release also introduced a backport of the new Character set
decoding functions from the development branch, vastly increasing the
number of supported character sets and decoding performance.
Major updates in 1.4
The 1.4.x series (as a result of 1.3 developent series) brings:
* A complete rewrite of the way we send mail (Deliver-class),
and of the way we parse mail (MIME-bodystructure parsing).
This makes SquirrelMail more reliable and more efficient
at the same time!
* Support for IMAP UID which makes SquirrelMail more reliable.
* Optimizations to code and the number of IMAP calls; SquirrelMail
is now a very scalable webmail solution.
* Support for a wider range of authentication mechanisms.
* Lots of bugfixes, some new features and a couple of UI-tweaks.
A note on plugins
There have been major plugin architecture improvements since 1.2.x. Lots
of plugins have not yet been adapted to this. Plugins which are
distributed with this release (eg. in the same .tar.gz file) should work.
Plugin authors will need some time to adapt their plugins, so quite a few
plugins that did work with 1.2.x might not work with 1.4.x.
So if you have ANY problem at all, first try turning off all plugins.
If one plugin seems to be the culprit, contact the author to see if
a 1.4.x version is underway.
Plugins that worked with previous 1.4.x versions should continue to work
without changes with this version.
Reporting my favorite SquirrelMail 1.4 bug
We constantly aim to make SquirrelMail even better. So we need you to
submit any bug you come across! Also, please mention that the bug is
in this release, and list your IMAP server and webserver details.
Thanks for your cooperation with this. That helps us to make
sure nothing slips through the cracks. Also, it would help if
people would check existing tracker items for a bug before reporting
it again. This would help to eliminate duplicate reports, and
increase the time we can spend CODING by DECREASING the time we
spend sorting through bug reports. And remember, check not only OPEN
bug reports, but also closed ones as a bug that you report MAY have
been fixed in our source code repository already.
Any questions about installing or using SquirrelMail can be directed
to our user support list:
If you want to join us in coding SquirrelMail, or have other
things to share with the developers, join the development mailinglist:
squirrelmail-devel <at> lists.sourceforge.net
Happy SquirrelMailing!
- The SquirrelMail Project Team
也许它向对方申请了加入白名单之类的,毕竟人家是个大型的 ISP。
裁减就是为了方便用户下载和使用,4G 的 ISO,不如直接下载 CentOS,然后再用 iRedMail 脚本更方便。
另外,iRedOS 只是删除了不要的包,不对软件包做任何修改,所以你可以直接用 yum 从网络安装其它包,或者用你下载好的 CentOS 的 DVD 来安装软件。
刚才的回帖里说了,这个是 iRedOS-0.1 里已知的问题。我会尝试在下一版本里修正的。
感谢你的反馈和测试 :loveliness:
默认就是使用 X-Window 进行配置的。只不过你使用的是外部的(http://)kickstart 文件,所以它自动转换为文本模式安装了。
iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
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