用你的新邮件系统上的用户账号发个空邮件给 test@sendmail.net,它会自动帮你测试,并回复邮件给你。
支持 Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, OpenBSD
您尚未登陆。 请选择登陆或是注册一个新账号。
iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
用你的新邮件系统上的用户账号发个空邮件给 test@sendmail.net,它会自动帮你测试,并回复邮件给你。
楼主,Roundcube 必须用 MySQL/SQLite/PostgreSQL 来存储用户的一些个人设置的。
LDAP 是保存用户账号的,请理清楚这个。
这些配置,可以去 Roundcubemail 官方看文档:
另外,用 iRedMail 搭建一个不就解决了?
顺便提一下,在开发版里,用 roundcube 写邮件时,地址簿自动补全会搜索用户、邮件列表、别名。强大。。。
Roundcube 可以配合 OpenLDAP,也可以配合 MySQL。放心用吧。
这个 jick 最有发言权了。 :lol
不支持 ExtMail 只是不带这个 webmail 程序而已啊,和迁移有什么关系呢?
http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php? … l_Solution
iRedMail 可以用于 RHEL/CentOS 5.x 中的任一版本。
iRedOS 的更新没有那么频繁,所以要新的话就用 iRedMail 来搭建吧。
iRedMail 会为你设置好所有邮件相关的服务的。当然,网络、ssh 之类的都是必须的,但是要你自己设置。
来自:postfix-users@ 邮件列表
Postfix legacy releases 2.5.7, 2.4.11 and 2.3.17 contain fixes that
were already included with Postfix versions 2.6 and 2.7.Postfix 2.5.7:
- (low) The installation/upgrade procedure did not automatically
create the data_directory.- (medium) In the "new queue manager", the _destination_rate_delay
code needed to postpone the job scheduler updates after delivery
completion, otherwise the scheduler could loop on blocked jobs.- (low) The queue manager used <transport>_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit
instead of <transport>_destination_concurrency_failed_cohort_limit
as documented.- (low) The SMTP client disabled MIME parsing despite non-empty
settings for smtp_header_checks, smtp_mime_header_checks,
smtp_nested_header_checks, or smtp_body_checks.Postfix 2.5.7, 2.4.11, 2.3.17:
- (medium) The postsuper command re-enabled the SIGHUP signal when
it was set to "ignore". This could result in random "Postfix
integrity check failed" errors at boot time (POSIX SIGHUP death),
causing Postfix not to start automatically.You can find the source code and patches at the mirrors listed at
来自:postfix-users@ 邮件列表:
Postfix stable release 2.6.0 is available. After Postfix was declared
"complete" with version 2.3, the focus has moved towards improving
the code/documentation, and updating it for changing environments.- Multi-instance support introduces a new postmulti(1) command to
create/add/remove/etc. additional Postfix instances. The familiar
"postfix start" etc. commands now automatically start multiple
Postfix instances. The good news: nothing changes when you use
only one Postfix instance. See MULTI_INSTANCE_README for details.- Multi-instance support required that some files be moved from
the non-shared $config_directory to the shared $daemon_directory.
The affected files are postfix-script, postfix-files and post-install.- TLS (SSL) support was updated for elliptic curve encryption. This
requires OpenSSL version 0.9.9 or later. The SMTP client no longer
uses the SSLv2 protocol by default. See TLS_README for details.- The Milter client now supports all Sendmail 8.14 Milter requests,
including requests for rejected recipient addresses, and requests
to replace the envelope sender address. See MILTER_README for
details.- Postfix no longer adds (Resent-) From:, Date:, Message-ID: or To:
headers to email messages with "remote" origins (these are origins
that don't match $local_header_rewrite_clients). Adding such
headers breaks DKIM signatures that explicitly cover non-present
headers. For compatibility with existing logfile processing
software, Postfix will log ``message-id=<>'' for email messages
that have no Message-Id header.- Stress-adaptive behavior is now enabled by default. This allows
the Postfix SMTP server to temporarily reduce time limits and
error-count limits under conditions of overload, such as a malware
attack or backscatter flood. See STRESS_README for details.No functionality has been removed, but it is a good idea to review
the RELEASE_NOTES file for the usual minor incompatibilities or
limitations.You can find Postfix version 2.6.0 at the mirrors listed at
http://www.postfix.org/The same code is also available as Postfix snapshot 2.7-20090511.
Updated versions of Postfix version 2.5, 2.4 and perhaps 2.3 will
be released with the same fixes that were already included with
Postfix versions 2.6 and 2.7.Wietse
DocumentRoot "/var/www/roundcubemail"
ServerName mail.18demo.com
不建议将 IP 写死在配置文件里,因为不需要,而且不利于以后迁移服务器配置文件。
bnx2 device eth0 does not seem to be present
dovecot: May 12 09:50:09 Info: pop3-login: Aborted login (no auth attempts): rip=211.*.*.61, lip=21*.**.**.44
没有启用 POP3 验证?
看一下 /var/log/dovecot.log,是否连接 MYSQL 出问题了。
确认一下 dovecot 服务是否在跑着。
麻烦贴一下 /var/log/maillog 里的相关日志。
分享一下:iRedMail 已支持 Ubuntu (Jaunty, 9.04),包括 i386 和 x86_64。所有包都是使用官方的 APT 仓库(main, universe)。
你可以自己装 Zend Optimizer 的
iRedMail 开发组的原意是:先支持 OpenLDAP,稍晚一些支持 MySQL。并没有所谓“抛弃”MySQL 的说法和计划。
对于部署,我们的建议是:你熟悉 MySQL,就优先考虑 MySQL;熟悉 OpenLDAP,就优先考虑 OpenLDAP。
iRedMail 会同时支持这两个,只是先后顺序的问题。人力、精力有限,希望大家能够理解。:loveliness:
iRedMail 开源邮件服务解决方案 » 由 ZhangHuangbin 发表的文章
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