
# bash iRedMail.sh
---> Package php-devel.x86_64 0:5.2.10-1.el5.centos set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: php-zend-abi = 20050922 for package: php-eaccelerator
---> Package php-pdo.x86_64 0:5.2.10-1.el5.centos set to be updated
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
1:php-eaccelerator- from installed has depsolving problems

  --> Missing Dependency: php-zend-abi = 20050922 is needed by package 1:php-eaccelerator- (installed)
Error: Missing Dependency: php-zend-abi = 20050922 is needed by package 1:php-eaccelerator- (installed)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
                        package-cleanup --dupes
                        rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
Installation failed, please check the terminal output.
[root@www iRedMail-0.4.0]# rpm -qa | grep "php-eaccelerator"
